
Select2 drop down is shown up

enter image description here

As you can view on printscreen, drop down is rendered up. Can someone give me a point how to render it down?

code :

final Select2Choice<Country> originCountryDD = new Select2Choice<>("originCountry", new PropertyModel<Country>(this, "originCountry"), new CountryProvider());
 private class CountryProvider extends ChoiceProvider<Country> {

        public void query(String codeWithNameFragment, int i, Response<Country> response) {
            if(codeWithNameFragment == null || "".equals(codeWithNameFragment)) {
            } else {

        public void toJson(Country country, JSONWriter jsonWriter) throws JSONException {

        public Collection<Country> toChoices(Collection<String> collection) {
            Collection<Country> countries = new ArrayList<>();
            List<Country> countryList = countryDao.findAll();

            for(String id : collection){
                for(Country country : countryList) {
                    if(country.getId().equals(Long.valueOf(id))) {

            return countries;

Here is my code. I dont know, how to made select2 to render drop down downside. Any help greet.


  • I found some documentation that might help you

    There is "forceabove" param.

    You should be able to change it to force it below...

    Source : https://github.com/select2/select2/issues/3121


    You quand try the dropdown placement. select2 is not working properly when it's inside a Bootstrap modal...

    Source : https://select2.org/dropdown#dropdown-placement