
Radare2 "pd" command

I am currently using Radare2 to extract opcodes from PE files. Currently, I am attempting to use the "pd" command which from the API: "pd n @ offset: Print n opcodes disassembled". I am wondering if there is a way to calculate/find out exactly what "n" is for each file I process. Thanks




    This example shows 4 different options to view / print disassembly or opcodes.

    1. View disassembly in radare2 via visual mode:

      • Command one: aaaa # Analyze the file
      • Command two: Vp # Open disassembly in visual mode
    2. Print disassembly of all functions in r2 or r2pipe:

      • Command one: aaaa # Analyze the file
      • Command two: pdf @@f > out
        • pdf # Print disassembly of a function
        • @@f # Repeat the command for every function
        • > out # Redirect the output to the file named out
    3. Print only the instruction in r2 or r2pipe:

      • Command one: aaaa # Analyze the file
      • Command two: pif @@f ~[0] > out
        • pif # Print instructions of a function
        • @@f # Repeat the command for every function
        • ~[0] # Only print the first column (The instruction)
        • > out # Redirect the output to the file named out
    4. Obtained detailed information for each opcode using r2 or r2pipe:

      • Command one: aaaa # Analyzey the file
      • Command two: aoj @@=`pid @@f ~[0]` > out
        • aoj # Display opcode analysis information in JSON
        • @@= # Repeat the command for every offset return by sub-query
        • pid @@f ~[0] # The sub-query
          1. pid # Print disassembly with offset and bytes
          2. @@f # Repeat the command for every function
          3. ~[0] # Only print the first column (The offset)
        • > out # Redirect the output to the file named out


    Replace the commands here with any option from above.

    Example using radare2 shell

    user@host:~$ r2 /bin/ls
    [0x00005850]> aaaa
    [0x00005850]> pdf @@f > out
    [0x00005850]> q
    user@host:~$ cat out
    ┌ 38: fcn.00014840 ();
    │           ; var int64_t var_38h @ rsp+0xffffffd0
    │           0x00014840      53             push rbx
    │           0x00014841      31f6           xor esi, esi
    │           0x00014843      31ff           xor edi, edi
    │           0x00014845      e846f2feff     call sym.imp.getcwd
    │           0x0001484a      4885c0         test rax, rax
    │           0x0001484d      4889c3         mov rbx, rax
    │       ┌─< 0x00014850      740e           je 0x14860
    │       │   ; CODE XREF from fcn.00014840 @ 0x14868
    │      ┌──> 0x00014852      4889d8         mov rax, rbx
    │      ╎│   0x00014855      5b             pop rbx
    │      ╎│   0x00014856      c3             ret
    │      ╎│   ; CODE XREF from fcn.00014840 @ 0x14850
    │      ╎└─> 0x00014860      e88beffeff     call sym.imp.__errno_location
    │      ╎    0x00014865      83380c         cmp dword [rax], 0xc
    │      └──< 0x00014868      75e8           jne 0x14852
    └           0x0001486a      e861feffff     call fcn.000146d0
                ; CALL XREFS from fcn.00013d00 @ 0x13d9d, 0x13da8

    Example using Python with r2pipe

    import r2pipe
    R2 = r2pipe.open('/bin/ls') # Open r2 with file
    R2.cmd('aaaa')              # Analyze file
    R2.cmd('pdf @@f > out')     # Write disassembly for each function to out file
    R2.quit()                   # Quit r2