
change the on-click of a ractive button after each click

I have a ractive button that needs to change the functions after each click.

const template1 = '<button type="button" id="advanceButton" on-click="@this.advance()">Step1</button>'

ractive = new Ractive({
  el: '#container',
  template: template1,
  advance: function() {
    //this.on-click change to advance2() //that that would be the desired behaviour
  advance2: function() {
    //this.on-click change to advance3() //and so on...
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="container"></div>

I tried to do it outside of ractive with $("#advanceButton").attr('onclick', 'advance2()') but despite the fact that it did not work either, I'd rather like to solve that inside ractive.


  • You could keep a value of current step and based on that call required function.

    const template1 = '<button type="button" id="advanceButton" on-click="@this.advance()">Step1</button>'
    ractive = new Ractive({
      el: '#container',
      data: { step: 1 },
      template: template1,
      advance: function() {
        var c_step = this.get("step") + 1;
        if( c_step === 4 )
            c_step = 1;
        this.set( "step", c_step );
        console.log( "Current step: " + c_step );
        if( c_step === 1 )
        else if( c_step === 2 )
        else if( c_step === 3 )
      step1: function() {
      step2: function() {
      step3: function() {
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="container"></div>

    Hope this helps.