I am trying to add the below function (populate_details) to a Page PeopleCode Activate event. The top section of code already exists, I am trying to add the section starting at 6/24/20 comments and getting the error "Syntax error: expecting statement. (2,42) ^ HCSC" If I remove the top section of the code then the error does not display and it saves properly, so I must have some sort of syntax error. Thanks for the help!
import HR_DIRECT_REPORTS:EmployeeSelection;
Component HR_DIRECT_REPORTS:EmployeeSelection &MyUI;
/*GHS KLG - link to Footprints on termination screen*/
If DERIVED_HR_DR.HR_DR_PAGE_TITLE.Value = "Terminate Employee" Then
GHS_MSS_WRK.HTMLAREA.Value = MsgGetExplainText(31000, 27, "Message not found.");
/*GHS end*/
/* GHS KDR 6/24/20 BEGIN */
Declare Function populate_details PeopleCode GH_PERS_INF_WRK.FUNCLIB FieldFormula;
populate_details(%Date, PERSON_NPC_VW.EMPLID.Value, GH_PERS_SRCH_CW.EMPL_RCD.Value);
/* GHS KDR 6/24/20 END */
You must declare your populate_details
function at the top of the Page PeopleCode Activate event. Immediately after this line should work:
Component HR_DIRECT_REPORTS:EmployeeSelection &MyUI;
Then you can call your function as you did, the rest of the code looks fine.