
Azure Custom Vision: ONNX gives different results from that of the portal/API

I am using azure custom vision( where i have upload around 100 images and have trained the model to detect face mask.

When i try to test in customvision portal it gives correct result but when i try to get the confidence/probability in the visual code where i have exported as onnx model and using ML.Net framework it is not giving correct result. For the same image working in is not working in vs code.

Also when i use the prediction url & prediction key in postman it gives multiple probablity, is there extra parameter i need to pass to get accurate results.


  • Regarding the ONNX model and the accuracy:

    Your image should be:

    This information is stated in the Cognitive Services ONNX Custom Vision Sample repo referenced in the documentation of the Custom Vision Service

    That's why you're getting different results, the portal/API ensures the proper things gets done in the background!

    You can apply resizing and cropping using your own application logic to ensure the proper thing gets done as well when using ONNX model.

    You can use automatic code generation with mlgen if you are working with a ONNX model and are unsure what variable types to utilize, this utility will generate the correct types.

    I do recommend using any of the following samples to avoid any confusion at the beginning, or any other sample that you find useful:

    Regarding Postman and multiple probabilities:

    You receive the probabilities for the labels you have, you can narrow them down using your own application logic to show only the label with the highest accuracy.