I'm using PowerDesigner v16 and I created an Extension
; in this Extension
a MetaClass
of the Table type was added; in this MetaClass
an Event Handler was created, using VBScript, to go through all the tables and create some fields / columns (attributes) default in all tables.
But now I want to take advantage of that I'm going through all the tables and also through VBScript
to create a standard Trigger
that is in TriggerTemplate
, and I don´t know how to do this through VBScript.
My main question is: how to create a Trigger
using VBScript
and assign a TriggerTemplate
Can you provide me with an example?
Possibly related question:
PowerDesigner - Assign a TriggerTemplate to a trigger through VBScript?
Below is the function I use to go through the entire table and check if there are standard columns:
Note: This function is performed in a PowerDesigner
using PDM modeling. And the path of this extension is as follows: DEFAULT COLUMNS::Profile\Table\Event Handlers\Initialize
' Função para checar se a coluna já existe na tabela.
function ColumnExists(tab, name)
'output "ClassName: " + tab.ClassName
'Checa se a o objeto passano no parâmetro "tab" é do tipo Table (tabela)
if tab.ClassName = "Table" then
dim col
'Passa por todas as colunas da tabela
for each col in tab.Columns
'Checa se o nome da coluna atual já existe igual ao passado por parâmetro ("name")
if col.Name = name then
'output "... já existe " + col.Name
ColumnExists = true
exit function
end if
end if
ColumnExists = false
end function
' Função responsável por criar as colunas padrao de uma tabela.
Sub DoCreateColumns(tab)
' Checa se o objeto passado no parâmetro ("tab") é do tipo "Table"
if not tab.ClassName = "Table" then exit sub
dim c
dim myColumns, column
' Executa função "DefaultColumns()" serve para criar um array com todas as colunas padrão
myColumns = DefaultColumns()
'Passa por todas as colunas salvas'
for each column in myColumns
'Checa se esta coluna é um ID
if column.Name = "ID_" then
' Adiciona o nome da tabela junto com a palavra ID
column.Name = "ID_" + tab.Name
column.Code = column.Name
end if
'Checa se a coluna ja existe
if not ColumnExists(tab, column.Name) then
set c = tab.Columns.CreateNewAt(column.Position)
c.Name = column.Name
c.Code = column.Code
c.domain = column.Domain
c.Mandatory = column.Mandatory
output "... adding column " + column.Name + " table " + tab.Name
end if
End Sub
I created a SAP SQL Anywhere 17 PDM with one table, saved it as a .pdm file; then added a trigger based on a template on this table, and saved the model as a new .pdm file. By comparing the files, I get some hints of the representation of triggers + templates.
Especially that the trigger template is attached to the trigger. Through a shortcut, as the template is in the DBMS while the trigger is in the model.
<o:Table Id="o9">
<o:Trigger Id="o10">
<o:Shortcut Ref="o5"/>
<o:Shortcut Ref="o6"/>
<c:TriggerTemplate> <===
<o:Shortcut Ref="o4"/> <===
Looking at the help file SAP PowerDesigner 16 OLE Help
, I see the TriggerTemplate as a property of the BaseTrigger
class, from which Trigger
is derived.
Here is an example which uses that.
option explicit
' create model
dim mdl : set mdl = CreateModel(PDPdm.cls_PdmModel, "|DBMS=SAP SQL Anywhere 17")
' create table and trigger
dim tbl : set tbl = mdl.CreateObject(PDPdm.cls_Table)
dim trig : set trig = tbl.CreateObject(PDPdm.cls_Trigger)
' set trigger template
SetTemplate trig, "BeforeUpdateTrigger"
function SetTemplate(trg, typ)
SetTemplate = false
' find template
dim db : set db = trg.Model.DBMS
' in case of shared DBMS instead of embedded one
if db.IsShortcut() then set db = db.TargetObject
dim tm, found
for each tm in db.TriggerTemplates
if tm.name = typ then
set found = tm
exit for
end if
if IsEmpty(found) then exit function
' create shortcut alongside the table
dim fld : set fld = trg.Parent.Folder
dim short : set short = found.CreateShortcut(fld)
' assign, and initialize
set trg.TriggerTemplate = short
SetTemplate = true
end function