I have Jenkins server on-preminse. I have Jenkins file which create Docker image now i want to push that image to AWS ECR.Do i have to create a special IAM user and provide its access and secret access keys ? Or what will be the best way to do this.
I found below on internet
withAWS(role:'Jenkins', roleAccount:'XXXX216610',duration: 900, roleSessionName: 'jenkinssession')
sh ' eval \$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region us-east-2) '
But as my jenkins server is onprem how role will work ?
Instead of eval, you now can use the Jenkins ‘amazon-ecr’ plugin from https://plugins.jenkins.io/amazon-ecr/ for ECR deployments.
pipeline {
environment {
registry = '1111111111111.dkr.ecr.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/myRepo'
registryCredential = 'ID_OF_MY_AWS_JENKINS_CREDENTIAL'
dockerImage = ''
agent any
stages {
stage('Building image') {
script {
dockerImage = docker.build registry + ":$BUILD_NUMBER"
stage('Deploy image') {
docker.withRegistry("https://" + registry, "ecr:eu-central-1:" + registryCredential) {