
count and loop in powershell until the end of a csv

I'm new in code so sorry if may question seems dummy

so I loop on csv datas to build an xml

my issue is that i can only pu 5000 files max in an xml and i need to put more than an million? So i'll to make multiple xml with 5000 files in each The first part of my code is done. Now i need to create a counter who would say in my first "for each" loop that as soon as i've reached 5000 lines (and so 5000 documents) i need to return to the beginnig of my first treatment I can't find a way to produce my multiple xml

do/while do/until and the way to produce it

Here is an example of my csv

    7/8/19 22:27;457E6659_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_ML.pdf;ML;1367091
    9/11/19 23:03;49453878_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_ML.pdf;ML;106440
    9/24/19 21:04;497E585B_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_CS.pdf;CS;1536658
    2/12/20 22:12;58453B75_ZN_LIQRLVPR_A_V_ML.pdf;ML;1406091

So i thought i could count the line of the first column and as soon as i reach 5000 I call my first loop

If you need further information just ask, i've got no idea how to do

Ok so i will put you the whole code

    $MONTANT_TOTAL = 'Index Nom="MONTANT_TOTAL" Valeur="0"'
    $POLE = 'Index Nom="POLE" Valeur="1ADP"'
    $CODE_ORGANISME = 'Index Nom="CODE_ORGANISME" Valeur="1ADP"'
    $RecupDateFinTraitement = Get-Date
    $2ndDate = $recupdatefintraitement.AddDays(30)
    $liste = Import-Csv -path C:\Temp\test.csv -Delimiter ';'
    Import-Csv -path C:\Temp\test.csv -Delimiter ';'
    $boucle = foreach ($list in $liste)
        $fin = $list.UF6E8_CANAL -match "ML"
        if ($list.UF6E8_CANAL -match "ML"){1}
        else {0}
        **## Compteur
        $Compte = Get-Content C:\Temp\test.csv | Measure-Object -Line
        if ($Compte.Lines -gt 2)
             do{$boucle} until ($Compte -gt 5) 
    $boucle | Out-File -FilePath C:\Temp\test2.txt

I don't think explainig the xml would help i just want to lool inside the first loop in order to relaunche the first loop called $boucle if i reach 5000 documents in the first output file (or maybe easier as soon as i reach the 5000th line of the csv) I still have work on the shape of the xml as you see by the name of the output file



  • Not sure of course how you would like to format your XML, but the below code should give you a way to do it.

    $MONTANT_TOTAL          = 'Nom="MONTANT_TOTAL" Valeur="0"'
    $POLE                   = 'Nom="POLE" Valeur="1ADP"'
    $CODE_ORGANISME         = 'Nom="CODE_ORGANISME" Valeur="1ADP"'
    # read the csv file
    $liste = Import-Csv -path 'D:\Test\test.csv' -Delimiter ';'
    # get the total remaining records to process
    $remaining = $liste.Count
    # set a maximum value of items for each resulting XML file
    $maxItemsPerXml = 3
    # set a xml output file counter and an item index counter
    $xmlFileCount = 1
    $currentItem  = 0
    # loop through all items
    while ($remaining -gt 0) {
        $itemCount = [math]::Min($maxItemsPerXml, $remaining)
        $xmlItems = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $itemCount; $i++) {
            $item = $liste[$i + $currentItem]
            $fin  = if ($item.UF6E8_CANAL -eq "ML") {1} else {0}
            # parse the date from the 'UCB63_DATENUM' field
            $date = [datetime]::ParseExact($item.UCB63_DATENUM, 'M/d/yy HH:mm', $null)
            $RecupDateFinTraitement = $date.ToString('dd/MM/yyyy')
            $RecupDateFin30         = $date.AddDays(30).ToString('dd/MM/yyyy')
            # output each item in xml-style
            # you can change the element names to whatever you want of course
                <Index $FREQUENCE_DECOMPTE></Index>
                <Index $LIBELLE_ORGANISME></Index>
                <Index $MONTANT_TOTAL></Index>
                <Index $POLE></Index>
                <Index $CODE_ORGANISME></Index>
        # create a complete file path and name for the output xml
        $xmlFile = 'D:\Test\Test_{0:D8}.xml' -f $xmlFileCount
        # create the XML content, complete with declaration and root node and write it to file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    $($xmlItems -join "`r`n")
    "@ | Set-Content -Path $xmlFile -Encoding UTF8
        # update the counters
        $remaining -= $itemCount
        $currentItem += $itemCount

    You may want to tinker with the way the XML is now built using Here-String templates. I simply took the header names from the CSV as element names, except for the indices variables you defined in all caps.

    From those I took off the Index part and set that as element name.

    Output using your example CSV and $maxItemsPerXml = 3, will be 2 files called Test_00000001.xml and Test_00000002.xml.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <Index Nom="FREQUENCE_DECOMPTE" Valeur="MENS"></Index>
                <Index Nom="LIBELLE_ORGANISME" Valeur="HUMANIS CCN OG"></Index>
                <Index Nom="MONTANT_TOTAL" Valeur="0"></Index>
                <Index Nom="POLE" Valeur="1ADP"></Index>
                <Index Nom="CODE_ORGANISME" Valeur="1ADP"></Index>
            <UCB63_DATENUM>7/8/19 22:27</UCB63_DATENUM>
                <Index Nom="FREQUENCE_DECOMPTE" Valeur="MENS"></Index>
                <Index Nom="LIBELLE_ORGANISME" Valeur="HUMANIS CCN OG"></Index>
                <Index Nom="MONTANT_TOTAL" Valeur="0"></Index>
                <Index Nom="POLE" Valeur="1ADP"></Index>
                <Index Nom="CODE_ORGANISME" Valeur="1ADP"></Index>
            <UCB63_DATENUM>9/11/19 23:03</UCB63_DATENUM>
                <Index Nom="FREQUENCE_DECOMPTE" Valeur="MENS"></Index>
                <Index Nom="LIBELLE_ORGANISME" Valeur="HUMANIS CCN OG"></Index>
                <Index Nom="MONTANT_TOTAL" Valeur="0"></Index>
                <Index Nom="POLE" Valeur="1ADP"></Index>
                <Index Nom="CODE_ORGANISME" Valeur="1ADP"></Index>
            <UCB63_DATENUM>9/24/19 21:04</UCB63_DATENUM>


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <Index Nom="FREQUENCE_DECOMPTE" Valeur="MENS"></Index>
                <Index Nom="LIBELLE_ORGANISME" Valeur="HUMANIS CCN OG"></Index>
                <Index Nom="MONTANT_TOTAL" Valeur="0"></Index>
                <Index Nom="POLE" Valeur="1ADP"></Index>
                <Index Nom="CODE_ORGANISME" Valeur="1ADP"></Index>
            <UCB63_DATENUM>2/12/20 22:12</UCB63_DATENUM>