
How to get the current number of interactive user sessions in Windows?

I'm writing a Windows service that needs to know whether there are any users currently logged-on in the machine.

So far I've tried Win32_LogonSession (WMI), and LsaEnumerateLogonSessions/LsaGetLogonSessionData (secur32.dll).

Both work, and seem to return the same data, but they are too slow to update when a user log off:

Thus Win32_LogonSession nor LsaEnumerateLogonSessions are good enough. The service needs to know within 5 minutes after the last interactive user leaves.

Not even SysInternals' LogonSessions.exe gives up-to-date answers.
Also, the answer cannot be "monitor logon and logoff events and have a counter variable", because the service can be started at any time.


  • I ended up with the following approach: count the number of interactive sessions which have at least one process running.

    1) Get the logon session id for each interactive session.

    2) Get the logon session id for each running process.

    [First we need to enable the SeDebugPrivilege to the current application.]

    [Then retrieve the data we want.]

    3) Sets intersection cardinality

    interactiveSessionsCount = | { sessionData.LoginID } ∩ { accessTokenStatistics.AuthenticationId } |

    Obs: sessionData.LoginID and accessTokenStatistics.AuthenticationId are both of type LUID.