I have a npm package of React components which are using flow for type-checking.
It would be useful for the users of my components to have access to my flow types. However at the moment I am compiling my code using Babel which strips all type information.
My project structure is as follows :
|- flowdecls
| -components
- Component1
| - lib
- Component1.js (compiled using Babel)
- Component1.js.flow (created using flow-copy-source)
For example one of my types in myTypes.js
declare type DataItemIconType = {
iconElement: React$Element<React$ElementType>,
color?: string,
hoverColor?: string
which I would using in Component1
. For example one of the props of Component1
would be
iconList : Array<DataItemIconType>
I have already published several versions of my library of React components as an npm package without Flow and my components are being widely used. However I would really like to provide flow support.
In my most recent I tried using flow-copy-source as specified in this article (Authoring and publishing JavaScript modules with Flow) but users of my library still can't access my types.
How would I make a type such as DataItemIconType
available to someone using Component1
in my library ?
"name": "@company/react-common-components-build-template",
"version": "0.6.0",
"main": "./lib/index.js",
"private": true,
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"description": "Common component library",
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"lint:flow-typed": "flow-typed install --ignoreDeps dev",
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"build:common-components-lib": "npm-run-all --parallel build:components build:utils build:images build:copy-files build:copyflowsource",
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Flow will automatically look for adjecent module.js.flow
declarations files, if present.
For example, if you have a main field that points to dist/index.js
, then adding dist/index.js.flow
to your package's outputs will have it picked up by the user's language server.