For my project I need a specific value from a token that I get trough executing a shell file trough shell JS. The token is in the output of the shellJS.
My problem is that I cannot return my the value in the function to use the token elsewhere.
Here is my code :
const shell = require('shelljs');
const bypass = () => {
let R2;
var put = shell.exec('sh ./scripts/', (err, stdout) => {
if (err) {
} else {
let tableau = (stdout.split(' '));
let test = tableau[tableau.length - 1].split(':');
let test3 = (test[1]).split(',');
R2 = (test3[0].substr(1, test3[0].length - 2));
return R2
I would like to be able to GET the R2 value when I execute the function such as shown.
Any ideas would be appreciated !
Best regards,
The shell.exec, when executed synchronously (default), returns a ShellString.
ShellString has .stdout
, .stderr
and .code
var put = shell.exec('sh ./scripts/');
if (put.stderr === ''){
let tableau = (put.stdout.split(' '));
let test = tableau[tableau.length - 1].split(':');
let test3 = (test[1]).split(',');
let R2 = (test3[0].substr(1, test3[0].length - 2));