I set up a Cloudwatch Event CreateBucket
that triggers this automatic policy generating script:
import json
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Get bucket name from the S3 event
bucket_name = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']
# Create a bucket policy
bucket_policy =json.dumps({
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "MustBeEncryptedAtRest",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:PutObject",
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringNotEquals": {
"s3:x-amz-server-side-encryption": [
"Sid": "MustBeEncryptedInTransit",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"Bool": {
"aws:SecureTransport": "false"
} ] })
# Set the new policy
s3.put_bucket_policy(Bucket=bucket_name, Policy=bucket_policy)
This lambda function should run and place this policy in the created bucket. However, it isnt running properly and testing through lambda interface give me this error:
"stackTrace": [
"bucket_name = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']"
"errorType": "KeyError",
"errorMessage": "'Records'"
I need that policy to be attached to a new bucket everytime, no matter the name, but cant seem to figure out why it isnt working
File "/var/task/lambda_function.py", line 10, in lambda_handler
bucket_name = event['details']['requestParameters']['bucketName']
KeyError: 'details'```
Is the new error i get.
The structure you’re using is not correct for the event, in fact AWS have examples of events in their documentation.
The real event looks like the below json
"version": "0",
"id": "36eb8523-97d0-4518-b33d-ee3579ff19f0",
"detail-type": "AWS API Call via CloudTrail",
"source": "aws.s3",
"account": "123456789012",
"time": "2016-02-20T01:09:13Z",
"region": "us-east-1",
"resources": [],
"detail": {
"eventVersion": "1.03",
"userIdentity": {
"type": "Root",
"principalId": "123456789012",
"arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root",
"accountId": "123456789012",
"sessionContext": {
"attributes": {
"mfaAuthenticated": "false",
"creationDate": "2016-02-20T01:05:59Z"
"eventTime": "2016-02-20T01:09:13Z",
"eventSource": "s3.amazonaws.com",
"eventName": "CreateBucket",
"awsRegion": "us-east-1",
"sourceIPAddress": "",
"userAgent": "[S3Console/0.4]",
"requestParameters": {
"bucketName": "bucket-test-iad"
"responseElements": null,
"requestID": "9D767BCC3B4E7487",
"eventID": "24ba271e-d595-4e66-a7fd-9c16cbf8abae",
"eventType": "AwsApiCall"
To resolve the error your Lambda needs to use this structure for accessing the bucket name property.
To do this update your code to assign the bucket_name variable like the below.
bucket_name = event['detail']['requestParameters']['bucketName']
The above event should be used as the event to test.
The working function is below
import json
import boto3
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Get bucket name from the S3 event
bucket_name = event['detail']['requestParameters']['bucketName']
# Create a bucket policy
bucket_policy =json.dumps({
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "MustBeEncryptedAtRest",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:PutObject",
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"StringNotEquals": {
"s3:x-amz-server-side-encryption": [
"Sid": "MustBeEncryptedInTransit",
"Effect": "Deny",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": [
"Condition": {
"Bool": {
"aws:SecureTransport": "false"
} ] })
# Set the new policy
s3.put_bucket_policy(Bucket=bucket_name, Policy=bucket_policy)