I have successful built the LLVM and Halide with Visual studio 2019 on windows platform.
I then tried to make some no_runtime objs and a halide_runtime obj and link them together.
./lesson_15_generate \
-g my_first_generator \
-f my_first_generator_basic \
-e object,c_header\
-o . \
./lesson_15_generate \
-g my_first_generator \
-f my_first_generator_sse41 \
-e object,c_header\
-o . \
./lesson_15_generate \
-g my_first_generator \
-f my_first_generator_avx \
-e object,c_header\
-o . \
./lesson_15_generate \
-r halide_runtime_x86 \
-e object,c_header\
-o . \
The windows static library was linked as follows
prompt>link.exe /out:test.lib halide_runtime_x86.obj my_first_generator_basic.obj my_first_generator_sse41.obj my_first_generator_avx.obj
However, the system returned with the following error
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.26.28806.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
LINK : fatal error LNK1561: entry point must be defined
Please, shed some light on how to build a static halide library on windows platform.
Problem solved by adding /lib to link.exe
prompt>link.exe /lib /out:test.lib halide_runtime_x86.obj my_first_generator_basic.obj my_first_generator_sse41.obj my_first_generator_avx.obj
add /lib to link.exe
prompt>link.exe /lib /out:test.lib halide_runtime_x86.obj my_first_generator_basic.obj my_first_generator_sse41.obj my_first_generator_avx.obj