The dining philosophers problem is a classic computer science textbook problem for demonstrating the use of multithreading. As Wikipedia says:
Five silent philosophers sit at a round table with bowls of spaghetti. Forks are placed between each pair of adjacent philosophers.
Each philosopher must alternately think and eat. However, a philosopher can only eat spaghetti when they have both left and right forks. Each fork can be held by only one philosopher and so a philosopher can use the fork only if it is not being used by another philosopher. After an individual philosopher finishes eating, they need to put down both forks so that the forks become available to others. A philosopher can only take the fork on their right or the one on their left as they become available and they cannot start eating before getting both forks.
Eating is not limited by the remaining amounts of spaghetti or stomach space; an infinite supply and an infinite demand are assumed.
The problem is how to design a discipline of behavior (a concurrent algorithm) such that no philosopher will starve; i.e., each can forever continue to alternate between eating and thinking, assuming that no philosopher can know when others may want to eat or think.
The problem was designed to illustrate the challenges of avoiding deadlock, a system state in which no progress is possible.
In summary, then, this is a classical problem in multithreading, demonstrating the need to avoid resource starvation using mutual exclusion principles.
I want to implement such a program in real-mode DOS, but DOS clearly lacks multithreading capabilities.
I am aware of third-party software such as RTKernel, but this seems like overkill for this situation.
Is there any solution to simulate multithreading so that I can program a simulation of the dining philosophers problem in DOS, using 16-bit x86 assembly language?
Multithreading is about creating the illusion that multiple execution paths in a program run simultaneously. On today's multi-core computers this doesn't have to be an illusion anymore if the number of threads stays within limits.
In the preemptive multitasking model the running out of a timeslice triggers a thread switch. The switch is initiated from outside the running thread.
In the multithreading module that I have written, the switch can not happen without the running thread's approval and collaboration.
It is the running thread that decides where, but not when, a switch can take place. To this end the programmer has to insert call
s to a function MaybeYieldThread at strategically chosen places in the thread. Loops are good places for this.
If at the moment of such a call, the timeslice has not yet elapsed then the call will instantly return. If the timeslice has elapsed then the MaybeYieldThread momentarily acts like a true YieldThread and the switch happens.
The major advantage of this approach is that it can avoid many of the race conditions for which you would normally be using synchronization objects like mutexes, semaphores, or critical sections. You insert your call MaybeYieldThread
instruction(s) where it is thread-safe and that's it!
The multithreading capabilities are encoded in a single source file mtModule.INC that you include in your application anywhere you like.
The api that I propose is a small one, but I believe it delivers all the multithreading capability a DOS program could need... At some moment I had implemented features like thread handles, thread priorities, and inter thread communication. In retrospect and bearing in mind the saying "Less is More", I am glad that I removed all of these.
It all starts with a call
to BeginSessionThread. You define the borders of the session memory where all of the thread's stacks will be placed, you define the timeslice to be used, and you point to the first thread that immediately receives control if no errors were encountered.
Among the things that the first thread will do is creating additional threads using CreateThread. What you provide is the code address of the other thread and the amount of memory you wish to use for its stack.
Once threads are up and running, they can use YieldThread to give up control in favor of the next thread, use MaybeYieldThread to give up control if, and only if, the timeslice that they are running in has elapsed, and use SleepThread to give up control and remove themselves from being scheduled until the requested duration is over.
If a thread has outlived its purpose, a call
(or jmp
) to ExitThread or a mere ret
instruction (from a balanced stack of course!) removes the thread permanently from the scheduler and returns the memory that its stack occupied, to the pool of free session memory.
When no more multithreading is needed, a call
(or jmp
) to EndSessionThread will return control to the instruction directly below from where the session was started (the call BeginSessionThread
instruction). It is possible to pass an exitcode.
Alternatively, exiting from the last active thread will also end the session, but in this case the exitcode will be zero.
In order to suspend the multithreading session, you can call StopSessionThread. It will reset the timer frequency to the standard 18.2 Hz and freeze all pending SleepTimes. To resume the multithreading session, all it takes is a call
to ContSessionThread.
Suspending the session is one way to temporarily pause the program without disturbing the SleepTimes.
And if you want to EXEC a child program or even launch a nested multithreading session, suspending the current session is mandatory for success.
BX timeslice in milliseconds [1,55]
CX requested stacksize for first thread
DX near address of first thread
SI para address begin session memory
DI para address end session memory
-- everything else is user defined parameter
CF=0 Session has ended, AX is SessionExitcode
CF=1 'Insufficient memory'
'Invalid stacksize'
'Invalid timeslice'
CX requested stacksize for thread
DX near address of thread
-- everything else is user defined parameter
CF=1 'Invalid stacksize'
'Out of memory'
CX is requested duration in milliseconds
CX is SessionExitcode
It is mandatory that a thread doesn't change the SS
segment register and that it leaves about 80 bytes on the stack for use by the mtModule.INC.
For optimal 'preemptiveness', you should not use MaybeYieldThread too sparsely. On the other hand for efficiency reasons, you should perhaps not be using MaybeYieldThread in a tight loop.
; mtModule.INC Multithreading in DOS (c) 2020 Sep Roland
; ------------------------------------------------------
; assemble with FASM, compatible with CMD and DOSBox
; Functions:
; BeginSessionThread(BX,CX,DX,SI,DI,..) -> AX CF
; CreateThread(CX,DX,..) -> CF
; SleepThread(CX)
; MaybeYieldThread()
; YieldThread()
; ExitThread()
; EndSessionThread(CX)
; StopSessionThread()
; ContSessionThread()
; Session header:
; +0 wSessionHighMem
; +2 wSessionNumberOfThreads
; +4 dwSessionParentStackptr
; +8 wSessionTickVarStep
; +10 wSessionMicroTimeslice
; +12 wSessionTickVar
; Thread header:
; +0 wThreadLowMem
; +2 wThreadStacksize
; +4 wThreadStatus: DEAD/FREE (-1), AWAKE (0), ASLEEP (1+)
; +6 wThreadStackptr
; --------------------------------------
; IN (bx=0,cx,dx,ss:si,fs) OUT (ax,CF) MOD (cx,si,di,bp,ds,es)
mtAlloc:cmp cx, 4096 ; Max 64KB stack
ja .NOK
cmp cx, 8 ; Min 128 bytes stack
jb .NOK
; Find a free alloc that is big enough
mov ax, fs
inc ax ; Skipping session header
.a: mov ds, ax
cmp [bx+4], bx ; ThreadStatus
jge .b ; Is occupied
mov bp, [bx+2] ; ThreadStacksize (size of free alloc)
sub bp, cx
jae .OK
.b: add ax, [bx+2] ; ThreadStacksize
cmp ax, [fs:bx] ; SessionHighMem
jb .a
.NOK: stc
.OK: je .c ; Tight fit, no split up
; Init header of a free alloc
add ax, cx
mov ds, ax
mov [bx], fs ; ThreadLowMem
mov [bx+2], bp ; ThreadStacksize
mov word [bx+4], -1 ; ThreadStatus = FREE
sub ax, cx
mov ds, ax
; Init thread header
.c: mov [bx], fs ; ThreadLowMem
mov [bx+2], cx ; ThreadStacksize
mov [bx+4], bx ; ThreadStatus = AWAKE
imul di, cx, 16 ; -> DI is total stacksize in bytes
sub di, (32+8+4)+2+2 ; Initial items that go on this stack
mov [bx+6], di ; ThreadStackptr
; Init thread stack
mov es, ax
mov cx, (32+8+4)/2 ; GPRs, SRegs, EFlags
rep movs word [di], [ss:si]
mov [di], dx ; ThreadAddress
mov word [di+2], ExitThread
inc word [fs:bx+2] ; SessionNumberOfThreads
; --------------------------------------
; IN (bx,cx,dx,si,di,..) OUT (ax,CF)
; BX timeslice in milliseconds [1,55] (55 uses standard 54.925494 msec)
; CX requested stacksize for first thread, DX near address of first thread
; SI para address begin session memory, DI para address end session memory
; CF=0 Session has ended, AX is SessionExitcode
; CF=1 'Insufficient memory' or 'Invalid stacksize' or 'Invalid timeslice'
pushfd ; '..' Every register is considered
push ds es fs gs ; parameter on the first invocation
pushad ; of the thread
; Test parameters
mov bp, di ; SessionHighMem
sub bp, si ; ThreadLowMem
jbe mtFail
dec bp
jz mtFail
dec bx ; Timeslice in msec
cmp bx, 55
jnb mtFail
inc bx
; Turn MilliTimeslice BX into TickVarStep AX and MicroTimeslice CX
mov ax, 65535 ; Standard step is 'chain always'
mov cx, 54925 ; Standard slice is 54925.494 microsec
cmp bx, 55
je .a
push dx ; (1)
mov ax, 1193180 Mod 65536 ; TickVarStep = (1193180 * BX) / 1000
mul bx ; BX = [1,54]
imul cx, bx, 1193180/65536
add dx, cx
mov cx, 1000
div cx ; -> AX = {1193, 2386, ..., 64431}
imul cx, bx ; -> CX = {1000, 2000, ..., 54000}
pop dx ; (1)
; Init session header
.a: xor bx, bx ; CONST
mov ds, si ; -> DS = Session header
mov [bx], di ; SessionHighMem
mov [bx+2], bx ; SessionNumberOfThreads = 0
mov [bx+4], sp ; SessionParentStackptr
mov [bx+6], ss
mov [bx+8], ax ; SessionTickVarStep
mov [bx+10], cx ; SessionMicroTimeslice
;;mov [bx+12], bx ; SessionTickVar = 0
; Init header of a free alloc
mov [bx+16], ds ; ThreadLowMem
mov [bx+18], bp ; ThreadStacksize, all of the session
mov word [bx+20], -1 ; ThreadStatus = FREE memory
; Create first thread
mov fs, si ; ThreadLowMem -> FS = Session header
mov si, sp ; -> SS:SI = Initial registers
mov cx, [ss:si+24] ; pushad.CX
call mtAlloc ; -> AX CF (CX SI DI BP DS ES)
jc mtFail
mov [cs:mtTick+5], fs ; ThreadLowMem
mov [cs:mtChain+3], cs ; Patch far pointer
call mtSwap ; Hook vector 08h/1Ch
jmp mtCont
; --------------------------------------
; IN (ss:sp)
mtFail: popad ; Return with all registers preserved
pop gs fs es ds ; to caller
; --------------------------------------
; IN (cx,dx,..) OUT (CF)
; CX requested stacksize for thread, DX near address of thread
; CF=0 OK
; CF=1 'Invalid stacksize' or 'Out of memory'
pushfd ; '..' Every register is considered
push ds es fs gs ; parameter on the first invocation
pushad ; of the thread
xor bx, bx ; CONST
mov fs, [ss:bx] ; ThreadLowMem -> FS = Session header
mov si, sp ; -> SS:SI = Initial registers
; Coalescing free blocks
mov ax, fs
inc ax
.a: mov ds, ax ; -> DS = Thread header
mov bp, [bx+2] ; ThreadStacksize
cmp [bx+4], bx ; ThreadStatus
jge .c ; Is occupied
mov es, ax
.b: add ax, bp ; BP is size of a free alloc
cmp ax, [fs:bx] ; SessionHighMem
jnb .d
mov ds, ax
mov bp, [bx+2] ; ThreadStacksize
cmp [bx+4], bx ; ThreadStatus
jge .c
add [es:bx+2], bp ; ThreadStacksize, BP is size of
jmp .b ; the free alloc that follows
.c: add ax, bp ; BP is size of an actual thread stack
cmp ax, [fs:bx] ; SessionHighMem
jb .a
.d: call mtAlloc ; -> AX CF (CX SI DI BP DS ES)
jc mtFail
; --- --- --- --- --- --- --
; IN (ss:sp)
mtFine: popad ; Return with all registers preserved
pop gs fs es ds ; to caller
; --------------------------------------
; IN (cx) OUT ()
; CX is requested duration in msec
push ds
xor bx, bx ; CONST
mov ds, [ss:bx] ; ThreadLowMem -> DS = Session header
mov ax, 1000 ; TICKS = (CX * 1000) / MicroTimeslice
mul cx
mov cx, [bx+10] ; SessionMicroTimeslice
shr cx, 1 ; Rounding to nearest
adc ax, cx
adc dx, bx
div word [bx+10] ; SessionMicroTimeslice
mov [ss:bx+4], ax ; ThreadStatus = TICKS
pop ds
jmp YieldThread
; --------------------------------------
mtTick: push ds ; 1. Decrement all sleep counters
xor bx, bx ; CONST
mov ax, 0 ; SMC Start of session memory
mov ds, ax ; ThreadLowMem -> DS = Session header
mov cx, [bx+8] ; SessionTickVarStep
adc [bx+12], cx ; SessionTickVar
pushf ; (1)
mov dx, [bx] ; SessionHighMem
inc ax
.a: mov ds, ax ; -> DS = Thread header
mov cx, [bx+4] ; ThreadStatus
dec cx
js .b ; AX was [-1,0], ergo not ASLEEP
mov [bx+4], cx ; ThreadStatus
.b: add ax, [bx+2] ; ThreadStacksize -> End current stack
cmp ax, dx
jb .a
mov byte [cs:$+23], 90h ; 2. Turn 'MaybeYield' into 'Yield'
popf ; (1)
pop ds
jc mtChain
push ax
mov al, 20h
out 20h, al
pop ax
mtChain:jmp far 0:mtTick ; 3. Chain to original vector 08h/1Ch
; --------------------------------------
; IN () OUT ()
ret ; SMC {90h=nop,C3h=ret}
; --- --- --- --- --- --- --
; IN () OUT ()
mov byte [cs:$-1], 0C3h ; Back to 'MaybeYield'
pushfd ; Save context current thread
push ds es fs gs
xor bx, bx ; CONST
mov ax, ss ; Begin current stack
mov ds, ax ; -> DS = Thread header
mov [bx+6], sp ; ThreadStackptr
mov fs, [bx] ; ThreadLowMem -> FS = Session header
sti ; Guard against every thread ASLEEP!
.a: add ax, [bx+2] ; ThreadStacksize -> End current stack
cmp ax, [fs:bx] ; SessionHighMem
jb .b
mov ax, fs ; Session header
inc ax ; Stack lowest thread
.b: mov ds, ax
cmp [bx+4], bx ; ThreadStatus
jne .a ; Is DEAD/FREE (-1) or ASLEEP (1+)
; --- --- --- --- --- --- --
; IN (ax,bx=0)
mtCont: mov ss, ax
mov sp, [ss:bx+6] ; ThreadStackptr
popad ; Restore context new current thread
pop gs fs es ds
; --------------------------------------
; IN () OUT ()
xor bx, bx ; CONST
dec word [ss:bx+4] ; ThreadStatus = DEAD/FREE
mov ds, [ss:bx] ; ThreadLowMem -> DS = Session header
dec word [bx+2] ; SessionNumberOfThreads
jnz YieldThread ; Not exiting from the sole thread
xor cx, cx ; SessionExitcode
; --- --- --- --- --- --- --
; IN (cx) OUT (ax,CF=0)
call mtSwap ; Unhook vector 08h/1Ch
xor bx, bx ; CONST
mov ds, [ss:bx] ; ThreadLowMem -> DS = Session header
lss sp, [bx+4] ; SessionParentStackptr
mov [esp+28], cx ; pushad.AX, SessionExitcode
jmp mtFine
; --------------------------------------
; IN () OUT ()
push ax
mov ax, [ss:0000h] ; ThreadLowMem -> AX = Session header
mov [cs:mtTick+5], ax ; ThreadLowMem (In case there's been a
pop ax ; nested session)
; --- --- --- --- --- --- --
; IN () OUT ()
mtSwap: push ds
xor bx, bx ; CONST
mov ds, bx ; -> DS = IVT
mov ax, [046Ch] ; BIOS.Timer
.Wait: cmp ax, [046Ch]
je .Wait
mov ds, [cs:mtTick+5] ; ThreadLowMem -> DS = Session header
mov [bx+12], bx ; SessionTickVar = 0
mov dx, [bx+8] ; SessionTickVarStep
mov ds, bx ; -> DS = IVT
mov bl, 1Ch*4 ; BH=0
inc dx ; SessionTickVarStep
jz .Swap
dec dx
mov bl, 08h*4 ; BH=0
mov ax, cs
cmp [cs:mtChain+3], ax
je .Hook
.Unhook:xor dx, dx
.Hook: mov al, 34h
out 43h, al
mov al, dl
out 40h, al
mov al, dh
out 40h, al
.Swap: mov eax, [bx]
xchg [cs:mtChain+1], eax
mov [bx], eax ; Hook/Unhook vector 08h/1Ch
pop ds
; --------------------------------------
Next demo program uses every function available in the above api. Its sole purpose is to demonstrate how to use the api functions, nothing more.
It's easy to experiment with different timeslices because you can specify the length of the timeslice (expressed in milliseconds) on the commandline.
The program runs fine in true real address mode and under emulation (Windows CMD and DOSBox).
; mtVersus.ASM Multithreading in DOS (c) 2020 Sep Roland
; ------------------------------------------------------
; assemble with FASM, compatible with CMD and DOSBox
DefaultTimeslice=55 ; [1,55]
ORG 256
mov sp, $
; Was timeslice specified on commandline ?
xor cx, cx ; RequestedTimeslice
mov si, 0081h ; Commandline
Skip: lodsb
cmp al, " "
je Skip
cmp al, 9
je Skip
Digit: sub al, "0"
jb Other
cmp al, 9
ja Other
imul cx, 10 ; Reasonably ignoring overflow
add cx, ax
jmp Digit
Other: mov bx, DefaultTimeslice
cmp cx, 1
jb Setup
cmp cx, 55
ja Setup
mov bx, cx
Setup: mov di, [0002h] ; PSP.NXTGRAF -> end of session memory
lea si, [di-128] ; 2KB session memory (11 threads)
mov dx, Main
mov cx, 8 ; 128 bytes stack
mov bp, MsgCO
call BeginSessionThread ; -> AX CF
jc Exit
mov bp, MsgPE
call BeginSessionThread ; -> AX CF
;;;jc Exit
Exit: mov ax, 4C00h ; DOS.Terminate
int 21h
; --------------------------------------
; IN (bp) ; BP=ModeOfOperation
Main: mov dx, bp ; Displaying title
mov ah, 09h ; DOS.PrintString
int 21h
mov di, EOF ; Preparing output string
mov cx, 79
mov al, " "
rep stosb
mov word [di], 240Dh ; CR and '$'
mov di, EOF+6 ; Creating 10 counting threads
mov dx, Count
mov cx, 8 ; 128 bytes stack
.a: mov byte [di], "0"
call CreateThread ; -> CF
jc EndSessionThread ; CX=8
add di, 8
cmp di, EOF+79
jb .a
mov byte [Flag], 0
mov dx, 10 ; Sleep while counters run (10 sec)
.b: mov cx, 1000
call SleepThread
mov ah, 01h ; BIOS.TestKey
int 16h ; -> AX ZF
jz .c
mov ah, 00h ; BIOS.GetKey
int 16h ; -> AX
call StopSessionThread
mov ah, 00h ; BIOS.GetKey
int 16h ; -> AX
call ContSessionThread
.c: dec dx
jnz .b
not byte [Flag] ; Forces all other threads to exit
call YieldThread
; Exiting from the sole thread == EndSessionThread
mov dl, 10
mov ah, 02h ; DOS.PrintChar
int 21h
ret ; == ExitThread
; --------------------------------------
; IN (di,bp) ; DI=Counter, BP=ModeOfOperation
Count: mov si, di ; Position of the ones in our counter
.a: mov al, [si]
inc al
cmp al, "9"
jbe .b
mov byte [si], "0"
dec si
cmp byte [si], " "
jne .a
mov al, "1"
.b: mov [si], al
mov dx, EOF
mov ah, 09h ; DOS.PrintString
int 21h
cmp bp, MsgPE
je .PE
.CO: call YieldThread
cmp byte [Flag], 0
je Count
jmp ExitThread
.PE: call MaybeYieldThread
cmp byte [Flag], 0
je Count
ret ; == ExitThread
; --------------------------------------
MsgCO: db 13, 10, '10 seconds of cooperative multithreading '
db 'using YieldThread():', 13, 10, '$'
MsgPE: db 13, 10, '10 seconds of preemptive multithreading '
db 'using MaybeYieldThread():', 13, 10, '$'
Flag: db 0
; --------------------------------------
INCLUDE 'mtModule.INC'
; --------------------------------------
; --------------------------------------