I need to convert month number to month name. I have date time as the date type - 2009-01-01 00:00:00.000 I also have 4-byte integer data type - 1
how do I convert this 1 to "January" for example?
i think you are in the data flow:
it is really easy to get MOnth Name in a script component from Date:
enter the following script
Row.[NewColumnName] = Row.[Your Date Column].ToString("MMMM");
Here is a good translations for any date part to string formatting:
// create date time 2008-03-09 16:05:07.123
DateTime dt = new DateTime(2008, 3, 9, 16, 5, 7, 123);
String.Format("{0:y yy yyy yyyy}", dt); // "8 08 008 2008" year
String.Format("{0:M MM MMM MMMM}", dt); // "3 03 Mar March" month
String.Format("{0:d dd ddd dddd}", dt); // "9 09 Sun Sunday" day
String.Format("{0:h hh H HH}", dt); // "4 04 16 16" hour 12/24
String.Format("{0:m mm}", dt); // "5 05" minute
String.Format("{0:s ss}", dt); // "7 07" second
String.Format("{0:f ff fff ffff}", dt); // "1 12 123 1230" sec.fraction
String.Format("{0:F FF FFF FFFF}", dt); // "1 12 123 123" without zeroes
String.Format("{0:t tt}", dt); // "P PM" A.M. or P.M.
String.Format("{0:z zz zzz}", dt); // "-6 -06 -06:00" time zone
Furthermore, you asked about quarters. I don't think it is as easy but here is something I stole from another answer.
Build DateTime extensions:
Normal Quarter:
public static int GetQuarter(this DateTime date)
return (date.Month + 2)/3;
Financial Year Quarter (This case is for quarters that start on April 1):
public static int GetFinancialQuarter(this DateTime date)
return (date.AddMonths(-3).Month + 2)/3;
Integer division will truncate decimals, giving you an integer result. Place methods into a static class and you will have an extension method to be used as follows:
Row.calendarQuarter = Row.[your Date Column].GetQuarter()
Row.fiscalQuarter = Row.[your Date Column].GetFinancialQuarter()