
I purchased a domain. but it loading strange page

Purchased domain www.arun.live and tried to host using the facility of GitHub. Then got the error CNAME arun.live is already taken. . Then I just tried www.arun.live from browser. It loading below page which is totally strange for me. enter image description here I added picture of page , why because , may be in future this issue will be solved and it may show my actual page, that time readers may confuse. At present www.arun.live loads this page.

I contacted domain provider's help-desk, but they suggests to cross check with GitHub team. and do usual things like flush DNS etc..

Friends you have any similar experience ?

EDIT Updated A Record and CNAME from my domain control panel

root@debian:arun# dig WWW.ARUN.LIVE +nostats +nocomments +nocmd

; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1+deb10u1-Debian <<>> WWW.ARUN.LIVE +nostats +nocomments +nocmd
;; global options: +cmd
;WWW.ARUN.LIVE.                 IN      A
WWW.ARUN.LIVE.          12984   IN      CNAME   https://go-arun.github.io.
https://go-arun.github.io. 2184 IN      A
https://go-arun.github.io. 2184 IN      A
https://go-arun.github.io. 2184 IN      A
https://go-arun.github.io. 2184 IN      A

May be some other GitHub user was linked to this site before( Assume that, it was belong to him that time ). and that record still exists in GitHUb. Hence the reason GitHub is giving below error ? enter image description here


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    Reason for Above Conclusion: