I created a datalab VM through the console shell, but the file related to the created VM does not exist in the bucket, and even if I try to add a notebook through datalab, and upload a file,'Not Found' error occurs and no action is taken not.
What is the problem?
p.s: https://cloud.google.com/solutions/building-chatbot-agent-dialogflow I created a VM using this document.
According to this, there seems to be a known issue with Datalab and Cloud Shell.
Alternatively, you can access your Dataflow instance from somewhere other than the Cloud Shell, for example, from a local Linux machine. To do this, you can perform the following procedure (please consider that the Datalab instance must be turned on):
SSH Keys
1.1) Create a pair of keys for SSH, you can follow this guide to do it
1.2) Locate your SSH_KEY.pub key created in the previous step and add it to the public SSH key metadata
Create a firewall rule in the network: ‘datalab-network’ with these settings:
Connect to the Datalab instance
3.1) Locate the External IP of your Datalab instance. This IP will be used in the next step as: <EXT_IP_INSTANCE>
3.2) Using a terminal, create a tunnel to the Datalab instance with the following command: ‘ssh -L 8080: localhost: 8080 <EXT_IP_INSTANCE>’
3.3) Open Google Chrome and type ‘localhost: 8080’ in the search bar. You should see the Datalab interface.