I am working on comparing matrix multiplication with and without locales and I am trying to use sparse matrices to work with the linear algebra module. I am planning on using blockdist and breaking it out manually with loops, but I want to be able to see if I can get speedup just using something simpler for now. If there is an easy way to work with blockdist that I am overlooking I would appreciate it. Anyway, I am able to get the code to work and to see a speedup when I just fill in the sparse arrays with one value, but filling it with random values does not seem to work:
use LayoutCS;
use Time;
use LinearAlgebra, Norm;
use LinearAlgebra.Sparse;
use Random;
use IO;
writeln("Please type the filename with your matrix dimensions. One matrix on each line. The rows in the second need to match the columns in the first");
var filename: string;
filename = stdin.read(string);
// Open an input file with the specified filename in read mode.
var infile = open(filename, iomode.r);
var reader = infile.reader();
// Read the number of rows and columns in the array in from the file.
var r = reader.read(int), c = reader.read(int);
const parentDom = {1..r, 1..c};
var csrDom: sparse subdomain(parentDom) dmapped CS();
var A: [csrDom] real;
A = 2; //instead of this I would like to do something like fillRandom(A) but it seems to not work
var X: [1..r, 1..c] real;
//read in the other matrix
var r1 = reader.read(int), c1 = reader.read(int);
const parentDom1 = {1..r1, 1..c1};
var csrDom1: sparse subdomain(parentDom1) dmapped CS();
var B: [csrDom1] real;
B = 3; //same thing as with matrix A
var Y: [1..r1, 1..c1] real;
// Close the file.
var t: Timer; //sets up timer
var result: [1..r, 1..c1] real; //sets up matrix for results
forall i in 1..r do //goes through rows in 1st
for j in 1..c1 do //goes through 2nd matrix columns
for k in 1..c do { //goes through columns in 1st
result[i, j] += X[i, k] * Y[k, j]; //adds the multiplications to the new slot in results
writeln("multiplication took ", t.elapsed()," seconds");
var res = A * B;
writeln("loc multiplication took ", t.elapsed()," seconds");
Does fillRandom not work with sparse arrays or am I doing it incorrectly? Do I need to go through and manually assign each value in the array with a loop? It is also of course possible that I am on the completely wrong path and should look more at blockdist and I would definitely appreciate any advice or tips regarding that as I'm not quite sure how I would work making sure each parallel task is actually running on the correct locale sections created by the blockdist.
Thank you in advance!
Does fillRandom not work with sparse arrays or am I doing it incorrectly?
does not support sparse arrays in Chapel today (1.22.0). However, I think this would be a reasonable feature request, if you would be interested in filing a GitHub issue on it.
Even if fillRandom
supported sparse arrays, the user would still need to specify which elements are non-zero before filling those non-zero elements with random values. This is done by adding indices as (int, int)
tuples (or arrays of (int, int)
tuples) to the sparse domain.
Here is a small example of generating a 100x100 compressed sparse row (CSR) array with 10 non-zero random elements:
/* Example tested with Chapel 1.22 */
import LayoutCS.{CS, isCSType};
import Random;
/* Parent domain dimensions: NxN */
config const N = 100;
/* Number of non-zero elements */
config const nnz = 10;
const parentDom = {1..N, 1..N};
var csrDom: sparse subdomain(parentDom) dmapped CS();
var A: [csrDom] real;
populate(A, csrDom, nnz);
// Print non-zero elements
for (i,j) in csrDom do
writeln((i,j), ':', A[i, j]);
/* Populate sparse matrix with `nnz` random values */
proc populate(ref A, ref ADom, nnz: int) where isCSType(ADom.dist.type) && isCSType(A.domain.dist.type) {
// Generate array of random non-zero indices
var indices: [1..nnz] 2*int;
var randomIndices = Random.createRandomStream(eltType=int);
// Replace any duplicate indices with a new random index
for idx in indices {
var newIdx = idx;
while indices.find(newIdx)(1) {
newIdx = (randomIndices.getNext(ADom.dim(0).low, ADom.dim(0).high),
randomIndices.getNext(ADom.dim(1).low, ADom.dim(1).high));
idx = newIdx;
// Add the non-zero indices to the CSR domain
ADom += indices;
// Generate random elements - maybe fillRandom(A) could do this for us some day
var randomElements = Random.createRandomStream(eltType=A.eltType);
for idx in ADom {
A[idx] = randomElements.getNext();