Co devs,
npm bootstrap 4.5.2 and up
It is not ready for @popperjs/core
I'm looking for someone to help me fix the bootstrap.js
as a temporary fix for
ERROR in ./node_modules/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'popper.js' in 'C:\Users\nodefion\Desktop\Website\Wordpress-Websites\Website-1\thema\wp-content\themes\Dolzon-2\node_modules\bootstrap\dist\js' @ ./node_modules/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.js 7:101-121 @ ./src/app.js @ multi ./src/app.js ./src/app.scss
Because npm I popper.js not work.
I can delete de require('popper.js') in the bootstrap.js file
But I want to include the new @popperjs/core
without having to wait a month or 2 for the fix.
Share your thoughts with us
best regards, dev team
still a temporary fix
But check out my Github on the bootstrap forum