I'm having a doubt with my actions right now.
I tried to create load balancer
on AWS
and they gave some thing like
Now I'm using BlueHost for my DNS Provider
So I tried to put the Name
) value from AWS to Bluehost Host
Also tried to put Value
) field from aws to bluehost Points To
but it only accepts if I disregard the underscore
Am I doing this right? Because seems something is wrong.
As you can see image above. It only gets the encrypted text for both HOST
Solved my Problem by doing the following
Based on my Exploring, I needed to contact the domain provider just to add the CNAME that I need. So they put it for me.
After CNAME has been placed to my domain provider. My Load Balancer Certificate automatically gets Verified.
From that point you already have the Load Balancer with SSL attached itself.
That's why I was able to mapped my A Record for www.domain.com
, wildcard *.domain.com
and domain.com
in the Route53 using my Load Balancer created.
From that point it's already pointed to your domain.
Hope this helps others.
IN ADDITION If you're running
apache 2.4 on your Linux AMI 2.
You may want to configure here your VHOST Configuration & Redirect permant of Port 80 to 443. This will allow you to make the site automatically redirects to HTTPS.