I'm trying to make header that will animate from transparent to solid opaque color upon scrolling down using in React-Native React Navigation 5.
Starts to transition to opaque when scrolling halfway
Becomes fully opaque when reach the maximum offset
You can do this by setting the header style opacity to an animated value.
First define your animated value, we'll interpolate the yOffset to get the opacity desired.
const yOffset = useRef(new Animated.Value(0)).current;
const headerOpacity = yOffset.interpolate({
inputRange: [0, 200],
outputRange: [0, 1],
extrapolate: "clamp",
then you want to attach an animated.event listener to an animated scroll view
nativeEvent: {
contentOffset: {
y: yOffset,
{ useNativeDriver: true }
Your content should be inside the scroll view
In your screen add a on mount or use effect where you set the animatedValue as the header opacity
useEffect(() => {
headerStyle: {
opacity: headerOpacity,
headerBackground: () => (
backgroundColor: "white",
opacity: headerOpacity,
headerTransparent: true,
}, [headerOpacity, navigation]);
I've used header transparent and header background so that the background component changes also.
Here is an example: