Does anyone use Vim with VSCode?
For some reason, my <leader>
key (space), does not activate the easy-motion plugin (I made sure it is enabled in the settings), but just moves the cursor to the right once.
I am new to VS Code, am I missing something? I still haven't figured out how .vimrc
works with VS Code.
It's not nessesary to use .vimrc file for vscode unless you want some customized behaviors.
Make sure you've enbaled the easymotion in vsvim settings:
"vim.easymotion": true
(in your settings.json file)
When it comes to VSCode, easymotion will be triggered by double press <leader> key.
Different from Terminal Vim, for example: (in your case <leader> is set to space)
space + space + 2 + s
after you press the above keys, your status bar should look like
Hope it would help you get into Visual Studio Code quickly.