Implementing Apple sign in in a web app (old fashion ASP.NET, but it doesn't matter - the question can be treated as simple HTML/JS POC), calling method authorize on Apple endpoint:
I want to get the user's first and last name. Method returns something like this: {
"state": "xxx",
"code": "yyy",
"id_token": "zzz",
"user": {
"name": {
id_token is JWT which consists of user's apple ID and email, there is no data regarding name or surname.
As you can see, I can get name and surname from the user property. That's the only way known to me.
The problem is, Apple returns this data only the first time I request it. It's not a bug, it's a feature: :
Apple only returns the user object the first time the user authorizes the app. Persist this information from your app; subsequent authorization requests won’t contain the user object.
So I store this data for later in the workflow, I will store it in database.
Now my problem/question:
When user deletes their account, I delete all their data from db (I have to, because of the contract, law etc).
When the user registers again through Apple sign in, I ping Apple endpoint, and I don't get user data (including name and surname) any more (because of the Apple policy quoted above)!
What should I do to get it?
I'm doing apple sign-in back-end part, faced the similar issue.
For IOS 13+
For ANDROID/WEB Flow/IOS Below 13
For the first time in apple callback, it sends us the name with a one time code (5 minute expiry).
Using this code when we call token API, it provides us id_token JWT.
In token the subject is apple_user_uuid.
Persist it in the same table.
So now in back-end you will always have email,firstName, lastName tagged with apple_user_uuid, which remains constant for an apple id.
And don't delete this mapping if the user deletes your account. Until apple provides a fix.