I used to host my webpage on username.github.io
I have now set up a new webpage on username.com
, and has no relation to username.github.io
However, I want to redirect username.github.io
to username.com
As of now, if somebody enters username.github.io
, it takes you to the 404 not found page.
Is there anyway I can reroute it to username.com
Instead of a redirect, the normal process is for your current GitHub pages to use a custom domain
You find a better illustration of that process here
- Go to your GitHub Pages site’s repository settings.
Under “Custom domain”, add or remove your custom domain and click “Save”.- Setting “custom domain” creates a file named CNAME in the same repository.
Don’t delete it.
The OP sidv adds in the comments:
After setting up my website (deployed elsewhere) and the DNS servers, I was unable to open the webpage on Safari and Firefox (only on Chrome).
Finding the load balancing IP and configuring it as an A record ended up redirecting the webpage appropriately.