
How to use youtube onPlay={} function with ReactJS?

I installed youtube-react API and you I got the onPlay function to work but the issue was it was very slow to load videos <YouTube videoId={Projects.videoID} onPlay={autoplayChange} onPause={autoplayChange} onEnd={autoplayChange}/>

How can I recreate this similar function using a regular iframe with the youtube API? I can't find any documentation about implementing this into reactjs. googles API reference mentions the functions under onStateChange but I cant figure out the implementation I thought someone on here might have an answer to my problem. Thanks in advance.


  • Check out react-player, you can install it quickly with npm:

    npm install react-player

    It is fast and will give you a lot of control over the onPlay functionality that you are looking for. Example from the git:

    import React from 'react'
    import ReactPlayer from 'react-player/lazy'
    // Lazy load the YouTube player
    <ReactPlayer url='' />

    With hooks you can add onPlay functionality like so:

    import React, { useState } from 'react'
    import ReactPlayer from 'react-player/lazy'
    const MyPlayer = () => {
        const [ playState, setPlayState ] = useState(false);
        const yourFunction = (event) => {
            console.log('Your event: ', event);
        return (