
AWS - LOAD BALANCER to host a server in Private subet

I currently having some issues trying to run a chat server in a private subnet that can have traffic in a out to the internet. I do not want to use a NAT Gateway.

I thought you could use a load balancer one with a public facing IP (Elastic IP) then route traffic to my server in the private subnet. I'm trying to mimic a VPN so I can host the can server in private subnet.

Chat a chat server be hosted within a private subnet on AWS?

if anyone could help would be great.


  • then route traffic to my server in the private subnet.

    Not without NAT you won't. You either need a NAT gateway or a NAT instance (be it prepackaged or something you've set up yourself). Routing from public subnets to private subnets needs NAT and private subnets by definition cannot route to the internet.