
AWS CloudWatch Logs filter pattern issues

I have a several crawlers that crawls multiple sites and stores the contents in a database. The logs from the program are stored in CloudWatch Logs.

If the crawlers successfully pulls back content it looks like similarly to below

HTTP GET: 200 -

HTTP GET: 200 -

The issue I'm dealing with is identifying when 400 errors pop up. Below is an example:

HTTP GET: 429 -

HTTP GET: 429 -

HTTP GET: 429 -

I tried using status_code=4* but that didn't do anything

I just want to be able to filter any and all 400 errors.

Any help that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.


  • Yes! Now you can with Logs Insights :)

    First... you need to have the new UI or in another way go to "Logs Insights" service... jaja

    CloudWatch -> CloudWatch Logs -> Log groups -> [your service logs]

    With the new UI you can see this button (or go to Logs Insights in the search engine of aws cli):

    Cloud Watch Example

    Now you can see this:

    Logs Insights UI

    1. It's a box for querys, it's like a SQL.
    2. The time range in which you will search

    Now in your case.. you need this query (tell me if you need to filter another thing)

    fields @message
    | sort @timestamp desc
    | filter @message like /4{1}[0-9]{1}[0-9]{1}/

    I see your logs and you have spaces between your status code and I think this is the best

    fields @message
    | sort @timestamp desc
    | filter @message like / 4{1}[0-9]{1}[0-9]{1} /

    And that's all

    Now run the query and you will see only logs that contains status codes [4xx]. I hope that solve your problem

    NOTE: if you go directly from search engine to Logs Insights you need to select the service logs that you scan with the query. On the combobox in top of query box.