
Why is this DB function returning undefined?

I'm trying to make a function where I can easily call my MongoDB.

This is the function code/hanlder:

let get = {};

get.getGuildData = (id) => {
    const guildData = require('./models/guilds.js')
    guildData.findById(id).then(async (data) => {
    return guildData.findById(id)

module.exports = { get }

This is where I am calling the function:

const getGuild = bee.get.getGuildData(msg.guildID)

It returns undefined, but the console.log on the actual function returns the correct thing: Console.logs

Let me know if anyone knows a solution to this.

I can not find an answer in this post. How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?


  • You cannot return the data, because it doesn't exist yet. What you can do is return a promise. guildData.findById(id) apparently is already returning a promise which resolves to the data, so you do not need to call .then on it to create a new promise.

    get.getGuildData = (id) => {
      const guildData = require('./models/guilds.js')
      return guildData.findById(id);

    Since the function is now returning a promise, any code that calls it will need to work with promises. Either call .then on the promise:

      .then(data => {

    Or if you're in an async function, use await:

    async function someFunction() {
      const data = await bee.get.getGuildData(msg.guildID);