
counting pairs in a list

I've recently started on HackerRank and I'm attempting "Sales by Match". I've arrived at a solution I'm content with in terms of exploiting Kotlin's function programming capabilities. However, I'm not getting the expected answer...

Problem summary:

Given an Array: -> find and return the total number of pairs.


input -> [10, 20, 20, 10, 10, 30, 50, 10, 20]

number of pairs -> 3

here is my code and some comments to explain it:

fun sockMerchant(n: Int, pile: Array<Int>): Int{
    var count = 0
    mutableMapOf<Int, Int>().withDefault { 0 }.apply {
        // the [attempted] logic behind this piece of code here is 
        // that as we iterate through the list, the 'getOrPut()'
        // function will return either the value for the given [key]             
        // or throw an exception if there is no such key
        // in the map. However, since our map was created by 
        // [withDefault], the function resorts to its `defaultValue` <-> 0
        // instead of throwing an exception.
        for (e in values) {
            // this simplifies our code and inserts a zero [+1] where needed.
            // if (key exists)
            //      // return its associated value and MOD it:
            //      case: even  -> increment counter
            //            else  -> do nothing
            // else if (key dne)
            //      // insert default value <-> [0] + 1
            //              ....
            //              ....
            //              ....
            if (getOrPut(e, { getValue(e) + 1 } ) % 2 == 0) count++
    return count

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val scan = Scanner(System.`in`)
    val n = scan.nextLine().trim().toInt()
    val ar = scan.nextLine().split(" ").map{ it.trim().toInt() }.toTypedArray()
    val result = sockMerchant(n, ar)

-- Any help or tips would go a long way here:)


  • I modified it a bit to be more easily testable, but here is the fixes :

    import java.util.*
    fun sockMerchant(n: Int, pile: Array<Int>): Int{
        var count = 0
        mutableMapOf<Int, Int>().withDefault { 0 }.apply {
            // the [attempted] logic behind this piece of code here is
            // that as we iterate through the list, the 'getOrPut()'
            // function will return either the value for the given [key]
            // or throw an exception if there is no such key
            // in the map. However, since our map was created by
            // [withDefault], the function resorts to its `defaultValue` <-> 0
            // instead of throwing an exception.
            for (e in pile) {
                // this simplifies our code and inserts a zero [+1] where needed.
                // if (key exists)
                //      // return its associated value and MOD it:
                //      case: even  -> increment counter
                //            else  -> do nothing
                // else if (key dne)
                //      // insert default value <-> [0] + 1
                //              ....
                //              ....
                //              ....
                put(e, getValue(e) + 1)
                if (getValue(e) % 2 == 0) count++
        return count
    val n = 5
    val ar = "10 10 10 10 20 20 30 40".split(" ").map{ it.trim().toInt() }.toTypedArray()
    val result = sockMerchant(n, ar)

    Output :

    [10=4, 20=1]
    [10=4, 20=2]
    [10=4, 20=2, 30=1]
    [10=4, 20=2, 30=1, 40=1]
    Pair.kts:3:18: warning: parameter 'n' is never used
    fun sockMerchant(n: Int, pile: Array<Int>): Int{
    Process finished with exit code 0

    Explanation :

    But the main reasoning behind was correct.