
Configure SourceTrail to accept embedded c/c++ header files with @ syntax

I'm attempting to use Sourcetrail (https://www.sourcetrail.com/) to quickly get into some old embedded c/c++ source code for the pic18 series of microcontrollers.

I get errors when importing the hardware include files, which uses an exotic method to define the hardware address of the bit addressable hardware registers, such as the below from pic18f26k22.h.

typedef union {
    struct {
        unsigned ANSA0                  :1;
        unsigned ANSA1                  :1;
        unsigned ANSA2                  :1;
        unsigned ANSA3                  :1;
        unsigned                        :1;
        unsigned ANSA5                  :1;
} ANSELAbits_t;

extern volatile ANSELAbits_t ANSELAbits @ 0xF38;

As you probably guessed, SourceTrail is confused by the @ 0xF38 part and expect just a semicolon. The method is used by a number of other c/c++ compilers for embedded systems, so I assume a simple fix exists.


First, to clarify: The @ is used to place the volatile variable at a specific place in the memory map, either as a bit or a byte address. (Slightly similar to how the 8086 CPU had memory and IO addressing systems). It's used in the global includes (for hundredts of different microcontrollers) that in this case came with the MPLab c/c++ compiler. For analysis purpuse I can make a copy of the global include files, and set up a different path to the global includes in SourceTrail - so they can be modified as much as needed. I would prefer to not touch the project files, as they still need to compile in the original setup.

While attempting @Antti Haapala answer, I found the following types of usage that needs to be taken into account:

extern volatile unsigned char           BAUDCON1            @ 0xFB8;

#ifndef BANKMASK
#define BANKMASK(addr) ((addr)&0FFh)
extern volatile __bit                   ABDEN1              @ (((unsigned) &BAUDCON1)*8) + 0;
#define                                 ABDEN1_bit          BANKMASK(BAUDCON1), 0

I can not find __bit defined anywhere, but it's a special construct that holds the bit address (not byte address) of the bit.


  • @ is not a valid token in C, so you cannot use it as a macro identifier either. The easiest solution would be to handle the @ address with a macro, i.e.

    #ifdef somethingsomething
    #define AT(address) @ address
    #define AT(address)
    extern volatile ANSELAbits_t ANSELAbits AT(0xF38);

    The first definition should be guarded by a macro that is used only on the target. It should be quite easy to do the change with a simple Perl script like

    perl -pi -e 's/@\s*([0-9a-fA-FxX]+)/AT($1)/g' *.c *.h

    If this @ syntax is used in the vendor-provided header files as is, then shame on them.