In the scenario where two users are connected in a video call, one of them gets a phone call and he answers the call. this blocks the ongoing webRTC stream and the call session ends.
So is there a way we can maintain both the steam as well as the call session and resume the video call once the person return on our application.
I am using QuickBlox js-Sdk to make calls.
below is the code snippet attached to initiate the call.
var userCredentials = {
userId: 'XXXXXX',
password: "XXXXXXX"
};, function (error, contactList) {
var calleesIds = [XXXXX];
var sessionType = QB.webrtc.CallType.VIDEO;
var session = QB.webrtc.createNewSession(calleesIds, sessionType);
this.userAuthService.markBusy(XXXXX).subscribe(data => data);
var mediaParams = {
audio: true,
video: true,
options: {
muted: true,
mirror: true
elemId: "selfStream"
session.getUserMedia(mediaParams, function (err, stream) {
if (err) {
console.log('getUserMedia err', err);
} else {
console.log('getUserMedia succ', stream);
// make call
var extension = {};, function (error) {
console.log('call error: ', error);
and on the other side to receive the call.
QB.webrtc.onCallListener = function (session, extension) {
session.getUserMedia(self.getMediaParams('selfStream'), function (err, stream) {
if (err) {
console.log('getUserMedia err', err);
} else {
I have seen the same issue in some other webApps as well, Is there a fix/workaround for this problem, thanks in advance.
Get around this by adding an event on the remote user's stream. If the stream is null it'll start checking for the stream every second for 2 mins if stream is not restored back in 2 mins the call will be disconnected. else I'll use the restored stream and remove the timeInterval
to check every second.