I have have this Saga for retrieving the token from localStorage and sign in the user automatically
export function* authCheckState(action) {
const token = localStorage.getItem("jwt");
const expDate = localStorage.getItem("expDate");
if (!token) {
yield put(actions.logout());
} else {
const expirationDate = new Date(expDate);
if (expirationDate <= new Date()) {
yield put(actions.logout());
} else {
axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = token;
const username = localStorage.getItem('username');
// const loggedInUser = yield axios.get(`/users/${username}`);
// console.log('HERE');
yield put(actions.loginSuccess());
yield put(
(expirationDate.getTime() - new Date().getTime())
// 10 * 1000 // ms
So If I visit any path in the application for example '/users' it stays the same after executing the saga.
now the code above as is is working perfectly. However now I want to add an axios call to get some data like this:
const loggedInUser = yield axios.get(`/users/${username}`);
// store it in the store.
When I add this axios call. I get redirected to the home page "/".
Before: working
After: not working redirection happens
Funny, I changed the order of the call and now it's working properly!!
yield put(actions.loginSuccess());
const loggedInUser = yield axios.get(`/users/${username}`);
yield put(actions.loginSuccess(username, loggedInUser.data));