
Transforming data so that the range around the median is more accurate

Suppose I have some floats that are normal distributed around 0. I need to serialize this into a uint8, but I would like to "give more" of the uint8 to the center of the distribution, and lose resolution around the edges.

For example: 127 would correspond to 0.0 and 255 to 1.0. But 191 would not be 0.5 — instead, it would be something like 0.3 because we're stretching it so that most of the numbers correspond to values near 0.

In practice, I'm actually going to have a random uint32 being generated and converted to an float. But when testing a linear mapping, the extremes (near -1.0 and 1.0) came up too frequently, and I'd like to center this around 0.0.

I'm aware that I can use the Box–Muller transform, but that's actually not suitable here because:

  1. We can cap out at -1.0 and 1.0, no need to have an unbounded output.

  2. We only have one number to sample from, not two.



  • The quantile function (also known as the inverse CDF) maps uniform random numbers in [0, 1] to numbers that follow a distribution (such as the normal distribution).

    However, in the case of the normal distribution there are certain things to know (call the quantile function Q(u) from now on):

     for k in 0..255
        print([k, Q(c)]) // print the uint8 value followed by the quantile