I want to know how to set an Enum value dynamically.
I have the following .proto
syntax = "proto3";
package garden;
option go_package = "proto/garden";
message Garden {
enum Flower {
Rose = 0;
Acacia = 1;
Firethorn = 2;
Nemophila = 3;
Flower flower = 1;
One way to set the enum is the following:
garden := pb.Garden{}
garden.Flower = pb.Garden_Rose
I want to generate my garden dynamically and only have the value "Rose". There is the value mapping but the following does not work:
garden := pb.Garden{}
garden.Flower = pb.Garden_Flower_value["Rose"] // gives error: cannot use garden.Garden_Flower_value[flower] (type int32) as type garden.Garden_Flower in assignment
garden.Flower = 0 // works somehow??
I assume that I can use the protoreflect package to set the value. Unfortunately, it is not clear to me yet how it works.
garden.Flower = protoreflect.EnumNumber(pb.Garden_Rose)
Furthermore, I want to set ".Flower" dynamically. I figured out how to set fields in a struct dynamically but lack the knowledge how to cast a protoreflect.Value
to a reflect.Value
Have you already tried this approach?
flower := "Rose"
garden := pb.Garden{}
garden.Flower = pb.Garden_Flower(pb.Garden_Flower_value[flower])
fmt.Println(garden.Flower.String()) // Rose