
VSCode: "Markdown Preview" SHIFT-COMMAND-V not working


VSCode 1.50.1 MacOS High Sierra (10.13.6) - but I think this applies to any OS

Steps to Reproduce:

this is a quick simple one...

  1. click on/hghlight/open a markdown file (.MD extension) in VSCode / from the Explorer tree hierarchy in the Left Nav Pane,
  2. hit SHIFT-COMMAND-V per numerous instructional posts/tutorials - (you can also find the shortcut clearly labeled with that very same Shortcut Key-Combo:
    • if you RIGHT-CLICK on the file in question...
    • you will get a Context Menu with several options, include Markdown Preview
  3. hitting the stated key combo of SHIFT-COMMAND-V does nothing,i.e.:
    • no observable effect in current window or tab
    • does not open any other tabs
    • does not render markdown


  • BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING: -- This may seem STUPID/OBVIOUS to most of you... I think I was still asleep when I first tried this... so:

    1. make sure that your cursor is ACTIVE in your .MD markdown document, and NOT active on the filename in the Explorer Tree in the left-hand Nav
    • apparently, in VSCode this shortcut SHIFT-COMMAND-V only works when you are ACTIVELY EDITING the file.
    • using the mouse on the RIGHT-CLICK context menu works fine
      • even if the .MD file isn't open AT ALL / in ANY EDITOR
      • even if you're actually actively editing A DIFFERENT FILE, if you hover over the filename in the Explorer/File-Folder Hierarchy, RIGHT-CLICK and launch Mark Preview, it will work.

    Quick Solution:


    1. Key Combo not recognized in VSCode (at least in VSCode, see#2 if blocked elsewhere)
      • If you look at the very bottom-middle/bottom-right of the VSCode window, you will notice the Status Bar (by default the whole bar is bright blue with white text)..
      • the status bar has several different sections, symbols, and text messages...
      • you will notice it changes/will indicate when you press a VALID Key-Combo... and that SHIFT-COMMAND-V literally does not result in ANY message on the status bar
      • But hitting COMMAND-V for instance is reflected in a real-time corresponding message in the status bar telling you that you DID press COMMAND-V
      • It appears NOT for any Key-Combo that includes SHIFT isn't recognized
    2. confirm it's a VSCode thing only
      • go to your MacOS System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > look through each category of shortcuts - you should NOT SEE a key mapping for SHIFT-COMMAND-V