
How to append columns to other columns in Talend?

I have two hash inputs, each has completely different columns. Say hashInput_1 has columns called

One | Two | Three | Four | Five

and hashInput_2 has columns called:

Six | Seven | Eight

Each hash input has the same number of rows. I just need to combine them into one excel document or flow so that the columns and all of the data gets correctly joined. I know talend can append rows, but I need to append columns so that the new schema is columns One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight with all of the data in the appropriate columns.


  • You need to add one more column ID in each of the schema of hashinput.

    In the lookup increment this column with a sequence. (See in tjavarow code).

    In the tmap increment another sequence and do a join betwen the two ID column.

    So first line of one hashinput (ID 1) will join first line other hashinput (ID 1).

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