I'm trying to write a k8s controller. Within the controller I want to parse the YAML file from GitHub to unstructured. Unstructured
. After parsing, I want to track the status of the applied instance of unstructured. Unstructured
. The tracking will try to catch if there's a specific key-value.
I failed to do so, since the unstructured.Unstructured
doesn't have a method for getting status. Then I was trying to marshal it to JSON and find the status, but failed.
If you know a way to achieve these, it would be great.
The unstructured package provides "Nested" functions. https://godoc.org/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured
For status you would use:
unstructured.NestedStringMap(myunstruct.Object, "status")
For the status message:
unstructured.NestedString(myunstruct.Object, "status", "message")
See Chapter 4 of Programming Kubernetes by Stefan Schimanski and Michael Hausenblas for more discussion of the dynamic client.