
Is this a valid Javascript solution for Rosetta Code: Balanced Brackets?

Description of the problem:

For some reason, Freecodecamp thinks my solution isn't valid to include in their directory, I just want some confirmation

What I realized is that in a system of balanced brackets, there must always be at least one substring equal to [] as balanced brackets require opposite brackets that face towards each other, and there can be no spaces. Additionally, all instances of [] can be repeatedly removed until there is an empty string.

I tried this code on all test cases that I could find, and it works each time.

function isBalanced(str) {
  while (true) {
    str = str.replace('[]', ''); 
      return true;
      return false;


  • Not only is it a valid approach, it is also already part of the rosetta code javascript solutions. Balanced_brackets#ES5

    function isBalanced(str) {
        var a = str, b
        do { b = a, a = a.replace(/\[\]/g, '') } while (a != b)
        return !a