I learn react and try to get Redux to work so I use the Redux-logger. When dispatching two actions from App.js it works as the top image show "ALBUME_DATA_LOADED".
Then I make a dispatch from from another place and get this output:
I'm not sure I sent that "object, object" action I place breakpoint and console log and it's strange the react-logger it catching an action that I dont think I sent..
Any idea?
Here is the action types I use in the below code as userActionTypes
File user.types.js:
export const userActionTypes = {
Here is the action:
File user.actions.js;
import { userActionTypes } from './user.types';
import { withFirebase } from '../../firebase';
import * as ROLES from '../../constants/roles';
const saveUserStart = () => ({
type: userActionTypes.SAVE_USER_START,
const saveUserSuccess = user => ({
type: userActionTypes.SAVE_USER_SUCCESS,
payload: user,
const saveUserFailure = errMsg => ({
type: userActionTypes.SAVE_USER_FAILURE,
payload: errMsg,
const asyncSaveUser = ({ firestore }) => {
return async dispatch => {
const userRef = firestore.userDoc(firestore.auth.currentUser.uid);
.runTransaction(transaction => {
// This code may get re-run multiple times if there are conflicts.
return transaction.get(userRef).then(doc => {
if (!doc.exists) {
return Promise.reject('Transaction failed: User dont exist!');
const newRoles = doc.data().roles;
// new roll
// remove roll
newRoles.splice(newRoles.indexOf('ANONYMOUS'), 1);
// save it back
transaction.update(userRef, { roles: newRoles });
return newRoles;
.then(newRoles => {
console.log(`Transaction successfully committed role(s): ${newRoles}`);
.catch(error => {
export default withFirebase(asyncSaveUser);
The reason for this is your mapDispatchToProps.
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
saveUser: () => dispatch(asyncSaveUser())
is not an action creator.