
Is there a way to build snap or a linux app without using snapcraft?

I'm using flutter dev and I wanted to enable linux support to many applications and followed this tutorial but the thing is

Everytime I try to run snapcraft launches a VM and installs flutter again from the snap

this uses lot of my disk space,time and internet snapcraft --use-lxd does the same

So is there any other way to build a linux app either a deb file, appimage or anything is fine?



  • Your question is conflating two different steps: building an application, and packaging an application. To build a Linux application with Flutter all you need to do is run flutter build, and you'll get a release mode Linux application.

    How you package it for distribution is to you; nothing about Flutter requires snaps as the distribution option. For instance, you could just zip up the contents of the bundle folder in the build output directory, and post that somewhere for people to download.