I would like to have the total number of tasks for each user. For example, John Smith 562, Elsa Taylor 953, etc. I tried this fetchxml, but the result is just the total number of tasks:
<fetch aggregate="true" >
<entity name="task" >
<link-entity name="systemuser" from="systemuserid" to="ownerid" >
<attribute name="fullname" alias="fullname" aggregate="count" />
How can I accomplish this?
You need to switch your query around and select (and group by) the systemuser fullname and count the tasks:
<fetch aggregate="true" >
<entity name="systemuser" >
<attribute name="fullname" alias="fullname" groupby="true" />
<link-entity name="task" from="ownerid" to="systemuserid" link-type="inner" alias="t" >
<attribute name="activityid" alias="numberoftasks" aggregate="count" />