I'd like to create a new column in pandas using the .apply method where I can pass a custom function
df["newcol"] = df["oldcol"].apply(lambda x: x + 1)
df["newcol"] = df.apply(lambda row: row["oldcol"]+1)
How to achieve this in hy ?
so far I am able to do
(setv (get df "newcol") (. (get d "oldcol") apply)
which just sets newcol to oldcol, but couldn't figure out how to define a function to apply.
I recommend reading through the tutorial, which covers topics such as calling methods and defining anonymous functions. A literal Hy translation of
df["newcol"] = df.apply(lambda row: row["oldcol"]+1)
(setv (get df "newcol") (.apply df (fn [row] (+ (get row "oldcol") 1))))