
Why do I get NameError when I run a rack app with "rackup"?

I'm having trouble running a rack app using rackup.

This is my

$:.unshift "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/lib/"
require 'blogrite'

run => :test)

Calling rackup throws:

[~/Code/blogrite master] rackup 
/Users/josemota/Code/blogrite/lib/blogrite/server.rb:2:in `<module:Blogrite>': uninitialized constant Blogrite::Server (NameError)
from /Users/josemota/Code/blogrite/lib/blogrite/server.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'
from /Users/josemota/Code/blogrite/ `block in <main>'

You can check the full project in Github. I do not understand the reason I get NameError.


  • I have found the reason for this error to come up. The NameError shown is fired from the module, which won't recognize the paths correctly.

    @Dogbert correctly pointed out that autoload was probably not working. According to Dave Barker in his post, the class that autoloads must include the current path in $: / $LOAD_PATH. I did that and now it works.

    The resulting commit is now available. Thanks @Dogbert for pointing the autoload issue in the first place!