Let say we have some variable x, initially x=0.
Whenever x changes its values from 0 to 1, click some button A
Whenever x changes its values from 1 to 2, click some button B
Whenever x changes its values from 2 to 0, click some button C
How to do that ?
Here's a simple example that updates x
once a second and uses a trace
on the variable to invoke a button press when it's updated, with the specific button depending on the new value.
#!/usr/bin/env wish
grid [ttk::button .a -text A -command {puts "Buttom A pushed"} -state active]
grid [ttk::button .b -text B -command {puts "Button B pushed"}]
grid [ttk::button .c -text C -command {puts "Button C pushed"}]
set x 0
proc update_gui {name _ _} {
upvar $name v
switch -- $v {
0 { .c state !active; .a state active; .a invoke }
1 { .a state !active; .b state active; .b invoke }
2 { .b state !active; .c state active; .c invoke }
proc update_x {} {
variable x
set x [expr {($x + 1) % 3}]
after 1000 update_x
trace add variable x write update_gui
after 1000 update_x