{ "adminTags": "", "allowedPartnerIds": "", "allowedPartnerPackages": "", "city": "", "country": "", "createdAt": 0, "deletedAt": 0, "description": "", "email": "", "fullName": "", "id": "", "indexedPartnerDataInt": 0, "indexedPartnerDataString": "", "language": "aa", "lastLoginTime": 0, "objectType": "KalturaUser", "partnerData": "", "partnerId": 0, "screenName": "", "state": "", "status": 0, "statusUpdatedAt": 0, "storageSize": 0, "tags": "", "thumbnailUrl": "", "updatedAt": 0, "userMode": 0, "zip": "", "attendanceInfo": "", "dateOfBirth": 0, "firstName": "", "gender": 0, "isAccountOwner": true, "isAdmin": true, "lastName": "", "loginEnabled": true, "password": "", "registrationInfo": "", "roleIds": "", "roleNames": "", "type": 0 }
I am pretty new to using the kaltura api. I want to dynamically adjust some of the objects via the api. For instance, the co-editor or co-partner, but I do not see in the object, which do I use or what actions in the documentations do you recommend?
If the property doesn't exist on the object (in your case the KalturaUser) then it is not updateable this object service (REST API).
You can find the documentation here.
I think you meant to update the co-editor / co-partner on the entry object - as each entry can have entitledUsersEdit / entitledUsersPublish fields which can contain list of user IDs. You can see example here.
So, after you have the user id from the object you have - you can use the baseEntry.update (from the link above) to set your user as co-editor/co-partner to the entry