I have created an XML file with Ruby:
xml_file = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml|
xml.root {
xml.first_node("id" => "12") {
xml.second_node {
The output is full of /n and white spaces, like:
</first_node id="12">\n <Second_node>
I would like something like:
</first_node id="12"><Second_node>
I have found something like:
string.delete(' '),
but in this case it deletes ALL whitespaces, that it is not what I want. This would be the result:
This is why I tried using Nokogiri. I tried something like:
doc = Nokogiri::XML(File.open("file_name.xml")) do |config|
but I am not sure, how shall apply the .noblanks to my file? Is there another solution? Thank you
Following should give you what you are looking for
string.gsub(/\\n/, '').gsub(/>\s*/, ">").gsub(/\s*</, "<")