I wrote a function to remove all zeroes from a list of elements with different datatypes. But while removing the zeroes. The boolean value 'False' is also removed. But when I change it to 'True' it is not removed. I tried many different methods for doing this, but the result is the same.
def move_zeros(array):
for i in range(array.count(0)):
The output is
[1, None, 2, 1]
How can I do this without getting the 'False' value removed ?
False and True are equal to 0 and 1 respectively. If you want to remove 0 from a list without removing False, you could do this:
my_list = [0,1,None,2,False,1,0]
my_list_without_zero = [x for x in my_list if x!=0 or x is False]
Since False
is a single object, you can use is
to check if a value is that specific object.