
GWT compilation bean referencing ( No source code is available for type )

I am using gwt2.0.3 version in my application.There are two projects in this application.One for client side and other is for server side.In the client side project I have given reference of server side project.So I am able to get all the method and properties of the server side in to the client side.

My all the beans are located at the server side.So while I import beans in the client side then It it not giving any issues.

But at the compile time it is giving issues of referencing.and it is giving issues like below:

[ERROR] Errors in 'file:/E:/NTWrokSpace1June2011/AdminClient/src/com/nextenders/client/util/factory/'

[ERROR] Line 26: No source code is available for type com.nextenders.facadeimplementation.beans.metadata.Table; did you forget to inherit a required module?

Hello All I am using gwt2.0.3 version in my application.There are two projects in this application.One for client side and other is for server side.In the client side project I have given reference of server side project.So I am able to get all the method and properties of the server side in to the client side.

My all the beans are located at the server side.So while I import beans in the client side then It it not giving any issues.

But at the compile time it is giving issues of referencing.and it is giving issues like below:

[ERROR] Errors in 'file:/E:/NTWrokSpace1June2011/AdminClient/src/com/nextenders/client/util/factory/'

[ERROR] Line 26: No source code is available for type com.nextenders.facadeimplementation.beans.metadata.Table; did you forget to inherit a required module?

Here AdminClient is my client project.

And com.nextenders.facadeimplementation.beans.metadata package at the server side.And while importing in the class it is not giving nay issues.

But compile time it is giving issues.

Please help me out from this.


  • I suspect that part of your problem is in your module definition. GWT compiler will look in the source paths you define in your module file to determine which classes to attempt to compile to Javascript. You are likely referencing the Table class from client code, but that bean does not exist in any of the source paths specified in your module xml file.

    Having the beans in a separate project may cause issues, but I've not tested it myself. The source paths specified in your module file are relative paths rather than package paths I believe, so it may not work at all.