Negation as failure is usually considered impure. The Prolog interpreter needed for negation as failure must realize SLDNF which is an extension of SLD.
The predicate (\=)/2
is for example used in the library(reif). It can be bootstrapped via negation as failure as follows, but is often a built-in:
X \= Y :- \+ X = Y.
Would it be possible to implement (\=)/2
as a pure predicate? Using only pure Prolog, i.e. only first order horn clauses?
Would it be possible to implement (=)/2 as a pure predicate? Using only pure Prolog, i.e. only first order horn clauses?
You can't implement (\=)/2
in pure Prolog.
In logic, conjunction is commutative, and pure Prolog queries, if they terminate, must be logical.
However, with (\=)/2
, the order of the terms matters, so it is not logical:
?- X \= Y, X=0, Y=1.
?- X=0, Y=1, X \= Y.
X = 0,
Y = 1.