I have an excel file with dates and stock prices. I read this data into a dataframe with DataFrames.jl
using DataFrames, StatsPlots, Indicators
df = DataFrame(XLSX.readtable("Demo-sv.xlsx", "Blad3")...)
This works great and here I print the first 6 entries.
6×2 DataFrame
│ Row │ Date │ Closeprice │
│ │ Any │ Any │
│ 1 │ 2019-05-03 │ 169.96 │
│ 2 │ 2019-05-02 │ 168.06 │
│ 3 │ 2019-04-30 │ 165.58 │
│ 4 │ 2019-04-29 │ 166.4 │
│ 5 │ 2019-04-26 │ 167.76 │
│ 6 │ 2019-04-25 │ 167.46 │
I then plot this data with StatsPlots.jl @df df plot(df.Date, df.Closeprice)
and get a nice plot graph.
The problem is when I want to plot a simple moving average with Indicators.jl
movingaverage = sma(df, n=200)
plot!(movingaverage, linewidth=2, color=:red)
I get this error message
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching sma(::DataFrame; n=200)
Closest candidates are:
sma(::Array{T,N} where N; n) where T<:Real at
sma(::Temporal.TS{V,T}; args...) where {V, T} at
What I understand, I need to convert the DataFrame so I will be able to use the Indicators.jl sma function. I have tried with convert(Array{Float64}, df[2])
to only convert the Closeprice column, but that didn't work the way I wanted. I guess I don't want to convert the date column?
So how can I convert the DataFrame, so I can use the sma function in Indicators.jl, or is there a better way than using DataFrames.jl?
I assume what you need is:
sma(sort(df, :Date).ClosePrice, n=200)
One additional problem you have is the data type of your ClosePrice
column that should be numeric rather than Any
You need to convert it somehow, for an example:
df[!, :ClosePrice] .= Float64.(df.ClosePrice)